Autobiography Of Ramakrishna Yogasram
Ever since an individual or an organization centered on his or her ideology has been spreading this supreme wave connecting with human welfare. Just like that I myself was born 34 year’s ago with the intellect, wisdom and acquired pure knowledge of such sage named “Atmaprajna” and was named “Sri sri Ramakrishna Yogashram”. I am not a simple room of four walls but an epoch-maker and my main intention is to show people the path of drawing back to the own pure entity keeping them steadfast in their duty.
From the auspicious juncture of creation, I have given people the strength to walk on the God-directed path of life with satisfying their starvation. My siblings and I are all the servants of God and we have been working relentlessly in this open forum of philanthropic work admitting voluntarily this slavery with proud. I am averse to publicity and my emotional siblings who are also very cool towards propaganda have been constantly fighting against the frenzy of fickle nature staying at the society and family in the social order. To me God is the chief my siblings are his or her obedient servants—this is the mentality with which we all work. Those who are deeply connected with my core essence “Breath recognition and Introspection” irrespective of cast-creed-religion and sex are my best friend.
In this rapidly changing and turbulent environment, if there is anything to be provided to the people, it is the introduction the commenced work of everyone. None has come to be lost in the current of this decay but only if he or she develops a sense of breath recognition of its inherent science will find a reason to come to earth and for the past 34 years I have been working with the people from different walks of life in this selfless work and research. Anyone who wants to join at this workforce with this mindset will find me and will saturated with my spirit.
আমি কেবল মাত্র চার দেওয়ালের কোন ঘর বই তো নয়,বরং আমি এক যুগপ্লাবনকারী ভাব—আমার মূল উদ্দেশ্য মানুষকে কর্তব্যকর্মে অবিচল রেখে স্বরূপে ফিরে যাওয়ার পথ নির্দেশ করা। সৃষ্টির শুভ সন্ধিক্ষণ থেকে মানুষকে পেটের ক্ষিদে মেটাবার সাথে সাথে জীবনের মূল পথে চলবার শক্তি যুগিয়ে এসেছি আমি। আমি ও আমার ভাইবোনেরা সকলেই ঈশ্বরের দাস—আর এই দাসত্বকে সগর্বে স্বীকার করে স্বেচ্ছায় এই সেবার মুক্তাঙ্গনে নিরলস কাজ করে চলেছি। আমি প্রচার বিমুখ ও গণমাধ্যমের প্রতি শিতল মনোভাবাপন্ন আমার ভাবগ্রাহীরা সামাজিক নিয়মে সমাজে ও পরিবারে থেকে চঞ্চল প্রকৃতির উন্মত্ততার বিরুদ্ধে অবিরত সংগ্রাম করে চলেছি। আমার কাছে ঈশ্বরই প্রধান—আমরা ভাইবোনেরা তাঁর আজ্ঞাবহ কর্মী—এই ভাবেই আমরা কর্মরত।

(A)State Level — Autonomous Trust Body Registered No:–7801V5330
(B)National Level—- License No:–WB/2017/0155010 of Planning Commission of India.
(C)International Level– International Organization for Standardization (ISO:–2001–2015)
The next planned programs
(1)Taken the responsibility to authorise the membership of International Naturopathy Organization (INO)
(2)Functionate the social work jointly in collaboration with different socialwelfare organization, moth, missions and asrams etc.
(3) Completion of different courses at present under the Ministry of AYUSH Government of India.
(4) Under the supervision of the State Government and the Central Government, a number of projects are underway to create employment in our various branches.
(5) Awareness about Yoga Spirituality and Natural Healing methods has been spread among peoples from all walk of life.